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Breeding with different kind of bloodlines

Breeding Quarter Horses
Breeding Quarter Horses

Each year we spend a lot of time thinking about which stallion to use for our mares. We are mainly breeding reiners but also a few pleasure and allround horses each year. Our first consideration is that we want to serve our customers with a healthy goodminded horse. After this we need to think about the characters of our mares, what we know about the studs and their offspring, body shapes of both our mares and the studs, the good and lesser trades of both and try to find a combination that we feel would work out nicely. And ofcourse we also need luck at our sides. And at the very last we think about the possible color a horse could have. For us a good horse is healthy, with strong legs and a good mind. We want strong athletes with good disposition and good characters. Each year we need to sit down and think about how we can improve our breedings from last year, what did we like, what do we want to see better in the next breeding season. We look at each horse individually and consider different kind of options so that we can each year support our choices 100%. But we are always excited to see the outcome.